February 15, 2019

It's a Competition

To everyone who read and commented on my last post. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Some of you commented on the blog post, some of you on Facebook, and some of you sent text messages. They were all very gratefully received.

Did you realize when you commented that you were automatically entered into a competition? 


Well, you were. The competition is ongoing and there may, or may not, be prizes given out with each new post. The prize categories for the last post were...

  • The one that caused the most laughter.
  • The one that caused the most tears.

The winner of the first category was my bro, Tane. He read the blog and then sent me a text asking if he could borrow the boat while I was in Auckland. His prize - he gets to shout next time we have a coffee together.

By the way, I don't have a boat - but if I did...

The winner of the second prize is still being considered, so this category will carry over. The prize winner of this category will receive a strongly-worded telling off, followed by banishment from this blog. 

To change the tone a bit, let me tell you about a "dining table conversation" we had. The we being - yours truly, my wife, Denise and her sister Robyn. I'm not sure how we got to this subject but, we talked about what happens in the unlikely event that cancer wins.

Feeling uncomfortable yet?

Upon reflection, I've realized that this is a very necessary conversation to have with those closest to you. I've kinda had a version of this conversation with my children already, but that was before cancer reared it's ugly head again. Over the next little while, as opportunity arises, I'll check to make sure we're all on the same page when it comes to working out who's going to look after the shrine for my ashes when they're not on display.

Another interesting, and necessary item we ticked off, was a meeting with our Solicitor. I think we asked all the right questions. These were all focused on making sure that my wife wasn't going to have to worry about things like property or money. We worked out that Denise is going to miss out on everything I own, but she'll be able to carry on with everything we own. She's pretty upset with the outcome 'cause she'll have to fight to get the title to my fifteen year old XR6.

As someone said before, it's the little things. For the past forever, I've owned two pairs of PJs. One winter set and one summer set. They normally go  through the washer and dryer with the sheets. Realizing that won't work during my "vacay" in Auckland we had to go on a shopping trip - so now I'm the proud owner of two more pairs of PJs.

Spoiled, right?

So, how am I doing? I'm pretty fine actually. I'm sleeping a bit too well which means the pain meds are wearing off through the night, but the Panadol/Ibuprofen cocktails are doing the job. Denise and I have been out walking a bit. That's something I need to do more of. For me, the day-to-day stuff's great. It keeps me from thinking the wrong kind of thoughts - which reminds me, I must empty the garden waste out of the trailer tomorrow - and I'm enjoying writing this. Strangely, I've lost my appetite for reading. Not sure what that's about. I gotta say, I am getting a little impatient though. I'm not actually looking forward to the line going into the back of my hand, but the sooner that happens, the sooner it'll come out again.

Anyway, how're you doing? Let me know, eh? Tell me all about the good stuff in your life. Lee, I'm expecting a joke from you. No excuses.

As someone, somewhere said: Keep trying to  do the right thing.


  1. So where’s the pic of the new pj’s??

    1. Patience, young one. All will be revealed after the makeover.

  2. Next you'll be demanding a new pair of socks

    1. I actually did buy some socks as well. But I'm pretty sure I'll get some free ones as an accessory for the hospital gown.

      We should play a game. You keep hiding your true identity and I'll try to guess who you are.

      My first guess - are you Bruce Wayne?

  3. Hahahaha oh you write so well! This morning Bear insisted on putting the cherry pips from the present you sent in our garden (we dont have a garden so they're all over the lawn) and said "the compost will help our garden grow like Poppy's... hey wheres our strawberry plant?"

    I remember the secret tree instructions ;) but also that's enough of that bs

    1. Sounds like we need to turn up with a strawberry growing kit next week.

  4. Well if you have new PJ's and New Socks the only thing left is new UNDIES ?

  5. Nah Lee. You’re not thinking this through. If I get new undies the nurses will want to keep giving me sponge baths.

  6. See you out walking in the mornings

    1. So... now I’m really confused. I think I have two different “Unknown” people posting. If this is you, can you make your profile public so I can see who you are?
